Our projects

The international expansion of our company is motivated by the many customers from around the world that have chosen the MAQCONVEYORS products because of the technical expertise, the innovation, the materials, the customer service... in short, because of the QUALITY.

Our pride is the full loyalty of our customers.

EUROPE: Sloakia - Spain - France - Norway - Portugal - United Kingdom - Sweden AFRICA: Angola - Algeria - Burkina Faso - Cape Verde - Cameroon - Cote d’ivoire - Gabon - Guinea-Bisáu - Guinea Conakry - Morocco - Namibia - Nigeria - Togo - Tunisia - Kenia NORTH AMERICA: Canada - Guadeloupe Island (FR) - Martinique (FR) - Mexico - United States CENTRAL AMERICA: Cuba - Guatemala - Nicaragua - Panama SOUTH AMERICA: Bolivia - Brazil - Chile - Peru - ASIA: Bahrain - Qatar - Thailand OCEANIA: Australia - New Caledonia (FR)

Some projects